Mutated beyond their mortal forms, the Glottkins rank as the mightiest champions Nurgle has ever chosen, laying a virulent wake of destruction in their paths as they seek to corrupt the very heart of the Empire, and turn its lands into a garden paradise of pus and disease.

The third brother, Ghurek Glott, is a colossal Chaos Spawn of mutated muscle and decaying flesh, so large that he carries his brothers around on his back and lays waste to any that seeks to harm them. His second brother, Ethrac Glott, is a highly schooled and powerful Sorcerer of Nurgle, radiating with the power and knowledge of Nurgle's many poxes and diseases. The first brother, Otto Glott, is a formidable warrior and Chaos Champion equipped with his father's former farming scythe, and the leader of the Glottkin brothers. The Glottkin brothers were all born as triplets. These three brothers were prophesied to bring about the fall of the Empire, and it is by their hands that both life and death were brought upon the lands of Sigmar's people. The Glottkin, also known as the " Befouled Brothers of Nurgle" or simply the " Glottkin Brothers," are a trio of Chaos Champions dedicated to Nurgle who, alongside Gutrot Spume and Orghotts Daemonspew, led the followers of the Plague Lord in their horrific "Plague War" upon the Empire during the apocalyptic age known simply as the End Times. The Glottkin brothers - Otto Glott, Ethrac Glott, and Ghurek Glott The gods of Man shall fade with them, until only death holds the key to salvation.These are the End Times." All things clean and true shall sicken and fade. United, the lords of disease shall bring the Old World to the brink of ruin - ruin from within and from without. It is they who will cast the curse of unbound life, a curse that will bring primal disorder to a world of hard-won progress. It is they who will muster the plague-kissed in their master's name. " Brother three shall bring low the Empire of Man.