Or Renaissance music for your grand entrance, interspersing quiet period tunes during dinner. Maintain the ambiance with tapes or CD's of your favorite medieval For a truly authentic touch use lots of green ivy, a mainstay of late medieval

Follow through withĬolorful sprays of either fresh or dried flowers. Liven up your festive celebration by interspersing dark hues with splashes of bold reds, blues and purples. Renaissance & medieval wedding decorations Wine, cider or a hearty jug of medieval mead. Side dishes might include rustic portions of potatoes and carrots, along with savory salads served with period herbs.

Recipes can be easily updated for modern tastes. With a goose, venison, or roast beef fitting the bill nicely, In major cities, costume shops offer a range of choices for renting a complete line of historic era wedding attire.įor a period wedding on a budget, the experts suggest that the bride opt for a simple Empire line dress that will instantly evoke the era without much embellishment. Wedding attire may vary from simple period touches to full-blown gowns for the bride and her maids, and authentic attire for the groom and groomsmen. Here's where your personal taste and budget really matter. Address your guests as "Ye Lords and Ladies" detailing the time and place with the promise of "feasting and merriment to follow". Set the tone of your wedding using parchment or cream-colored paper, printed in Gothic or calligraphic type, or go whole hog with decorated scrolls tied with colorful ribbons. Renaissance & medieval style wedding invitations Or renaissance faire will also be glad to help you arrange your wedding during their annual festivities. Contact your local parks department to see if you can access a scenic woodland or lakeside venue, or think about a nearby country club with a quiet garden setting and party facilities. Renaissance and medieval wedding themes also lend themselves naturally to

For church ceremonies, Gothic or Tudor style architecture with lots of weathered stone and stained glass also makes for a perfect venue. įor historic era weddings, nothing compares to a stone castle (or a modern facsimile) for truly authentic feel and ambiance. Or medieval times is the proper location. Of course, what really sets the tone for a trip back to Renaissance With a little planning, a medieval or Renaissance look and feel can be easily incorporated into your wedding invitations, reception menu, flowers and decorations, even the entertainment venue. Whether your tastes run toward complete historical accuracy, or you prefer a few simple period "touches," the most important part of a planning an historic period wedding is.